1. Click Donate to make a 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to our nonprofit partner, Rainforest Trust.
humanity's #1 PRIORITY
Protect Climate. Protect Species. Protect Communities. Protect Earth's Vital Organs. Tropical Forests are Earth's most biodiverse and bioproductive ecosystems, their wellbeing determines our wellbeing in many domains. They contain more carbon than any other land-based ecosystem. They are Earth's most biodiverse ecosystems. Their contain more indigenous tribes and have greater influence on global moisture and atmospheric circulation than any other productive ecosystem. Your support of Rainforest Trust's Conservation Action Fund maximizes cost-efficiency. For every $1 you give, you'll protect 1 acre of old growth tropical rainforest, with donation match. Rainforest Trust focuses on saving real acres of rainforest through land purchases and designations. Each of their projects has been identified as crucial to preserving critical habitat for endangered species.
Help historic efforts around the world to empower indigenous communities, save endangered species, protect +150 tons stored CO2 per acre, by supporting this exemplary nonprofit organization's most cost-efficient tropical rainforest conservation program.
- Critical habitat
- Prevents extinctions
- 100% Tax deductible
- Biodiversity treasure trove
- Preserves wilderness integrity
- $20 donation protects 10 acres
- Community and indigenous-centric programs
- Strong in-country, international, and indigenous partners
- 30+ year track record of exemplary financial management
- Prevents release of +150 tons biologically-stored CO2 per acre
- Strengthens protection of critical wildlife corridors, habitats, and wildernesses
- Expands land protections and land rights for indigenous peoples as primary strategy
- Maintains global atmospheric circulation and moisture flows; essential to stable climate and weather
- Protects millions of acres of old growth tropical rainforests in critically-affected and vulnerable areas every year
- $20 donation protects an amount of living forest-carbon greater than your entire, lifetime carbon footprint
- No fees extracted from your donation. 100% of your gift goes to the fund. Rainforest Trust will pay all transaction fees
- Protects ongoing absorption of immense solar heat and the continuious conversion of that warming energy into immense biological productivity, e.g. making food and oxygen, circulating moisture, and sequestering CO2 on global scale / daily basis.
Protecting this ecosystem is a necessity for maintaining Earth's temperate climate. Tropical Forest's equatorial location situates them such that their influence on the global climate system is immense.
- Emissions Reduction. One acre of this project likely sequesters at least half a ton (.5 tons) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) per year, on average. A $5 donation to this project removes more CO2 per year than an entire, average-sized, rooftop solar system.
- Emisssions Storage. Each acre stores and cycles well more than 150 tons CO2 in its trees, soils, animal life and vegetation. Every 12 acres you protect contain an amount of CO2 equivalent to or greater than one U.S. citizen's entire lifetime carbon footprint.
- Climate System. Tropical forests' extensive vegetation and waterways service Earth's global atmospheric system in at least five ways: 1) Carbon storage, by providing massive, long-term carbon storage and cycling, 2) Heat absorption, by providing an enormous heat buffer, which co-determines the rate of global warming, 3) Moisture services, by providing massive, ongoing storage, cycling, and balancing of atmospheric, ground, and subteranean moisture at local to continental scale, at the Equator where it is most planetarily significant, 4) Atmospheric circulation, by being a key influence on tropical tradewinds, 5) Moisture circulation, by directing and characterizing inter-hemispheric moisture exchanges and the equatorial / tropical / subtropical moisture flows, which are root determiners of temperate and high-latitude atmospheric moisture availability.
- Your Weather. All of the above conspire to make tropical forests a primary determiner and maintainer of today's weather, no matter where you live. Tropical forests have perhaps the greatest influence on atmospheric moisture circulation and global warming of any productive ecosystem. Not only does their collective influence define root conditions of your weather every day, all year long, they also dramatically affect extreme weather. For example, tropical rainforests are known to be low pressure ecosystems with enough atmospheric influence to significantly reduce hurricane intensity and formation.
Mega-diverse, Super-local. VERY HIGH RATES OF UNIQUE AND LOCAL SPECIES. These are Earth's most biodiverse and bioproductive ecosystems. By protecting ancient tropical forests you're helping protect a series of ecosystems powered by an enormous range of land, river and soil species. A rich community of irreplaceable bird, reptile, amphibian, plant, mammal, fish, insect, and microbial species thrive and co-produce in tropical forests. These myriad species' trades and interactions conspire to maintain a super-productive, globally-influential, super-fertile ecosystem who's primary benefit is keeping Earth cool, temperate and productive year-round. Thousands of unique organisms coexist in these wildernesses. Because of the super high biodiversity of tropical rainforests, this fund is helping to protect 10s of thousands of species all over the tropics.
Mega-diverse, Super-local. VERY HIGH RATES OF UNIQUE AND LOCAL SPECIES. These are Earth's most biodiverse and bioproductive ecosystems. By protecting ancient tropical forests you're helping protect a series of ecosystems powered by an enormous range of land, river and soil species. A rich community of irreplaceable bird, reptile, amphibian, plant, mammal, fish, insect, and microbial species thrive and co-produce in tropical forests. These myriad species' trades and interactions conspire to maintain a super-productive, globally-influential, super-fertile ecosystem who's primary benefit is keeping Earth cool, temperate and productive year-round. Thousands of unique organisms coexist in these wildernesses. Because of the super high biodiversity of tropical rainforests, this fund is helping to protect 10s of thousands of species all over the tropics.
Today, tropical forests are homelands to the majority of the world's indigenous communities, and relocation grounds for many new communities. With more than 30 years of experience, Rainforest Trust has found time and again that by integrating and supporting the local community's vision for long-term stewardship of their forests, everyone wins. The Conservation Action Fund focuses on achieving social justice, cultural empowerment, land occupation rights, community-based, sustainable economic development (including education and healthcare development), greater community cohesion, and ongoing native input, stewardship, and shared decision making. This fund helps indigenous communities all over the tropics protect their homelands in perpetuity.
BioIntegrity is supporting Rainforest Trust largely because of their impressive network of conservation partners, all over the Earth, protecting our most climate and bio-critical ecosystems. Visit for more.
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