"To Restore the Earth and Grow a More Vibrant Future for All."
BioIntegrity Business Partners
An innovative way to protect Earth’s climate, biodiversity, indigenous communities, and more. BioIntegrity Business Partners are supporting the biggest environmental solution on Earth: protecting and restoring our planet's most biodiverse ecosystems. Our partners divert a portion of their revenue to the initiatives we recommend, the most socially just means of protecting and restoring Earth’s green infrastructure. This strategic endeavor helps: reduce thousands of tons of global warming emissions, save thousands of threatened species, protect the biogenic functions of our temperate climate system, reduce extreme weather events, protect our most productive life support systems, offset whole company carbon footprints, and more.
What We’ve Accomplished Together
With matching donations, our Business Partners have protected over 62,618 acres (97 square miles) of Earth's most biodiverse ecosystems, to date. This simple solution is currently protecting more than 12 million trees, which means keeping over 108 billion miles worth of greenhouse gas pollution out of our atmosphere in perpetuity, and helping to protect 1,000s of species, not to mention life support services and indigenous communities. We are proud to help our partners maximize their positive environmental impacts. Below is the latest summary of BioIntegrity Business Partner participants' many positive impacts.
Business That’s Good for the Planet
BioIntegrity Business Partners make donations on their timeline at a scale that protect us from climate change in the smartest way: by helping the most trusted nonprofit, community-based organizations in the world defend Earth's most biodiverse wildernesses, and Earth's biological core. When you see our business partner symbol it means that business is contributing to building an Economy of Environmental Stewardship for the long term, an effort to protect, restore, and reconnect "Earth's vital organs," our planet's most biodiverse and most productive ecosystems, as fast as possible.
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